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How many hours of continuing education do I need to renew in Kansas?

12 hours total. If you are a broker you need a minimum of 6 core hours & 6 other hours (core or elective). If you are a salesperson you must have a minimum of 3 core hours and 9 other hours (core or elective). Penalty hours can be duplicate courses.

How do I get a MO license if I am licensed in another State?

MO does not have reciprocity. All new licensees getting their license from being licensed in another State will have to take the Law portion of the State test (we offer a state prep course) and get a history letter from all States that you are licensed in. Out of State Salespeople will have to complete the 24 hour practice course. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Brokers don't have education requirements providing you did a broker pre license course in your present licensed state and took a state test.

How do I get a MO Broker license if I have a MO salesperson license now?

You will be required to complete a 48 hour Broker Pre Exam course, take the State test ($56) and make application for you license. You must have held an active Salesperson license for at least 24 months out of the last 30 months.  See more information under MO pre license course.

How do I get credit in Kansas for your Missouri CE courses?

We make it easy for you. All of our CE courses are available and we will issue you a KREC certificate along with you MREC certificate for one price. Providing you inform us when you register.

Do I have to send my certificates in to the MREC if I do your online or class room continuing education courses?

We send the Missouri Real Estate Commission notification that you have completed our course(s). You may be asked for a copy to be sent with your renewal so you should keep your certificate in a safe place in case the MREC asks you for a copy. 

Is there any help available while we are taking one of your courses?

Yes, if you need help or explanations while studying you can email using the contact form on our "Contact Us" page and get answers to your questions.

What is your refund policy?

Once you register for a class (class room setting) a cancellation charge of $10.00 per course will be assessed for all class room continuing education courses. Once an online course has been processed there are no refunds. Be sure you want to do the course before you order it. No refunds or cancellations will be allowed once a class room or online course has begun. If you need to cancel a course prior to the start of it, you may elect to transfer your registration to another course being held in the next 60 days or do the course online or as a home study with no penalty. 

Are there any other charges to get certificates or retake a test in Missouri?

We don't charge you if you have to take one of our tests more then once. The certificates are issued after you successfully complete a course so you can print them if you want paper copies and we notify the State. You are responsible for the certificates once you’ve received them so put them in a safe place please.

How do I get credit in Missouri for your CE courses?

Courses 1, 2 & 4 thru 10 are available only in 3 and 6 hour versions. You will have to request both states when you register. Once you register and pay for your courses they will be available whenever you log in. The courses can be done 100% online with an online closed book test. Certificates are automatically issued upon successful completion. You can print them out or leave them in your account set up on our web site to print later. We will notify the MREC that you have completed the hours. You keep the certificate in a safe place so you can send it in with your renewal if the MREC asks for it.

Can I Do Your Courses Online?

Yes, you can do all of our continuing education and practice courses on line. You do them at your own pace - no timer. When you register they will be in your log in on our web page. You can do the quizzes "open book if you like" and upon completion you'll get your certificates. The Principles and Broker pre-license courses are offered by a combination of email and study materials sent to you. The tests are all done online. We also offer KS continuing education by home study. We send the books and tests by priority mail. You send the answer sheets back to us.

What happens if I go inactive in Kansas?

You can't practice real estate while your license is on inactive status. You are still required to renew each renewal period. If you are inactive over 2 years you will have an additional 6 hours per year as penalty hours. After 5 years you lose your license and must re-pass the license exam. If you were a broker and lose your license you will start over as a salesperson unless you meet the experience based on transactions in another state.. 

Do I have to send my certificates in to the KREC if I do your home study or class room continuing education courses?

No, we do that for you. You should keep your certificates in a safe place in case the KREC asks you for copies of them.

How many hours of continuing education do I need to renew in Missouri?

12 hours total. 3 hours of a Core course and 9 hours of elective. If you are a broker you must complete your hours and renew before the end of June of even numbered years. If you are a salesperson you must complete your hours and renew before the end of September of even numbered years. You can take all core hours if you want to.

How do I get a KS license if I am licensed in another State?

As of 2007 KS canceled all reciprocity agreements. You can get a license by like kind requirements met in another state. All applicants will have to do a KBI/FBI background check done ($60). You will also have to pass the Law portion of the State test (we offer a state prep course) and get a history letter from all States that you are licensed in. Out of State Salespeople will have to complete the 30 hour practice course; Out of State Brokers will have to complete a 4 hour broker law course. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. You must request to be waived out of the National portion of the test before scheduling the State portion.

How do I get a KS Broker license if I have a KS salesperson license now?

You will have to complete a 30 hour Kansas Real Estate Broker Fundamentals, have a ($60) KBI/FBI background check done, take the license exam for Brokers and meet the experience requirements for the KREC. For the most current information on new license requirements in the state of Kansas, please refer to the KREC website at:

How do I get a Kansas sales person license if I'm not already licensed?

You will complete a 30 hour pre-license course, a 30 practice course, have a KBI/FBI background check done, take the State test and then make application for your license. In the study material you will have several practice tests. These help prepare you for the state examination. In order to get the school certificate you will take our 100 question final exam. You must get a score of 70% on a closed book test or 90% if you do the test open book. After completion of this course we'll send you a certificate you take to the examination site to take the state examination. The state examination has 80 questions on the general information part and 30 questions on the state relevant part. You have to get 70% correct on both parts to pass and get a certificate of completion. It is not open book. The cost of the state examination is $82. It is $75 for each retake. You must pass both parts of the state examination and make application for your salesperson license within a 6-month period. If you pass one part of the test you don't have to retake it providing you retake and pass it and make application for your license within a 6-month period. If you wait past the 6 month period you will have to take the entire test over. You will have to complete a 30 hour practice course which can be done online or by home study with us. (Another license exam is not required). You will have to complete a ($60) KBI/FBI background check and we will send you the package with your other study materials to get this completed. When you make application for your license it will cost $15 application fee and a $125 two-year license fee depending on your last name and the date that you make application. You must have a sponsoring broker in order to become licensed. You do not have to have a broker before you begin the course. 

Fingerprint Requirements for Missouri

As an applicant who is the subject of a national fingerprint-based criminal history record check for a noncriminal justice purpose (such as an application for a job or license, an immigration or naturalization matter, security clearance, or adoption), you have certain rights which are discussed below.

  • You must be notified that your fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI

  • If you have a criminal history record, the officials making a determination of your suitability for the job, license or other benefit must provide you the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information record.

  • The officials must advise you that the procedures for obtaining a change, correction or updating of your criminal history record are set forth at Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Section 16.34.

  • If you have a criminal history record, you should be afforded a reasonable amount of time to correct or complete the record (or decline to do so) before officials deny you the job, license or other benefit based on the information in the criminal history record. (See 28 CFR50.12(b).)

You have the right to expect that officials receiving the results of the criminal history record check will use it only for authorized purposes and will not retain or disseminate it in violation of federal statute, regulation or executive order, or rule, procedure or standard established by the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council. (See 5 U.S.C. 552a(b); 28 U.S.C. 534(b); 42 U.S.C. 14616, Article IV(c); 28 CFR 20.21(c), 20.33(dL and 906.2(d).)

If agency policy permits, the officials may provide you with a copy of your FBI criminal history record for review and possible challenge. If agency policy does not permit it to provide you a copy of the record, you may obtain a copy of the record by submitting fingerprints and a fee to the FBI. Information regarding this process may be obtained at cjis/background-checks.

If you decide to challenge the accuracy or completeness of your FBI criminal history record, you should send your challenge to the agency that contributed the questioned information to the FBI. Alternatively, you may send your challenge directly to the FBI. The FBI will then forward your challenge to the agency that contributed the questioned information and request the agency to verify or correct the challenged entry. Upon receipt of an official communication from that agency, the FBI will make any necessary changes/corrections to your record in accordance with the information supplied by that agency. (See 28 CFR 16.30 through 16.34.) 

Important Notice Concerning Your Fingerprint-based Background Check

As an applicant who is the subject of a state and/or national fingerprint-based criminal history record check for a noncriminal justice purpose (such as an application for a job or license, an immigration or naturalization matter, security clearance, or adoption), you must understand that by mailing your fingerprints to the Missouri State Highway Patrol or to Cogent, the Missouri Fingerprint Services vendor, you hereby agree to the following:

  • Your fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history record files of the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

  • Any criminal history information returned as a result of this search will be made available to requestors pursuant to Chapter 43 RSMo.

  • All information, including your fingerprints, photograph, and any demographic data collected during the course of your fingerprint-based record check may be stored in MSHP and/or FBI files. Such data will be subject to comparisons against other submissions received by the MSHP and/or the FBI and to further disseminations by the MSHP or the FBI as may be authorized under the Federal Privacy Act (5USC 552a(b)) or Missouri Revised Statutes.

  • Any future updates made to your arrest record may also be shared with the agency requesting this fingerprint-based background check if the requesting agency is a subscriber to the state and/or federal Rap Back program.

Questions about this notice may be directed to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Criminal Justice Information Services Division at 573-526-6153 or

Q & A Regarding the Fingerprinting of Real Estate Applicants/Licensees

1. Who must get fingerprinted and how soon must it be done?

All new real estate licensing applicants, as well as all currently licensed Missouri real estate salespersons and brokers, are required to have their fingerprints taken through the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s approved vendor for both a Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) and a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprint background check. (Effective July 1, 2012, the approved vendor is 3M/Cogent.) New applicants – Everyone who is applying for an original Missouri license is required to be fingerprinted before making application for an original real estate license. A copy of the receipt provided by the approved statewide vendor will need to be attached to the license application. Assuming everything else is in order and no convictions or guilty pleas are disclosed, a temporary work permit will be issued even if the fingerprinting results are not yet received. However, a license will not be issued until the fingerprinting results are received and a satisfactory result is indicated. Existing licensees – All existing licensees, including inactive licensees, will have to be fingerprinted and authorize the results be provided to the Missouri Real Estate Commission before submitting their real estate renewal application in 2012. Regardless of the fact that you are a new applicant or a current licensee, SAVE YOUR RECEIPT. This receipt contains vital tracking information should there be any questions.

2. What will I need to do to get fingerprinted?

You must first register with the Missouri Automated Criminal History Site (MACHS) at You will need to provide the MREC’s four-digit registration number, 0004, to authorize the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the FBI to send the results to the Missouri Real Estate Commission. Upon registration, you will be directed to a list of fingerprinting locations available throughout the state, with some sites offering night and/or weekend hours. You are required to bring Photo ID with you to the fingerprint site. Acceptable forms of ID are a valid driver’s license, military ID or passport. While each location is on a first come, first served basis, the actual fingerprinting process will take approximately 10 minutes.

3. How much does it cost and who gets the money?

Effective July 1, 2012, the fee is $44.80 -- 3M/COGENT receives $8.30; the Missouri Highway Patrol receives $20.00; and the FBI receives $16.50. The Missouri Real Estate Commission does not receive any portion of the fee.

4. How do I pay for this service?

You can pay by either credit or debit card when registering online through, or you can pay on site with a check, money order or cash (exact change required).

5. How will the approved vendor know who is to be given the results?

MREC’s four-digit registration number, 0004, which you must provide when you register at, identifies the Missouri Real Estate Commission as the authorized agency to which the results are to be provided. Failure to identify the Missouri Real Estate Commission as the authorized agency may cause you to have to be fingerprinted again at your expense.

6. Do I have to have an appointment and how long will it take?

While appointments are not being made at this time and fingerprinting will be done on a first come, first served basis at the various locations, if you need to be printed to meet your 2012 renewal requirements, you may experience some difficulty with wait times; especially if you wait until the final weeks before the end of the renewal. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to register and get printed as soon as possible. The actual fingerprinting process typically takes less than 10 minutes.

7. What if I wait until the last minute and then can’t get fingerprinted before the expiration date of my license?

To put it simply – you will not be able to timely renew your license and you will be unable to conduct any real estate activity for a period of time. There will be NO exceptions.

8. As a current licensee, what do I do after I get printed? At the conclusion of your fingerprinting appointment, you will be provided a receipt that contains your unique TCN number. You will use this TCN if you need to contact 3M/Cogent regarding the status of your background check. While the Highway Patrol will electronically notify the Missouri Real Estate Commission of your MSHP and FBI fingerprint results, if you have just recently had your prints taken or must still do so before renewing, you will be required to submit a copy of the receipt from the vendor with your renewal application as evidence of having been fingerprinted. Also, on occasion, either the MSHP or the FBI can not read your prints. In those cases, you will be contacted by Cogent to have your fingerprints retaken.

9. What happens if I refuse to get fingerprinted?

As fingerprinting is required to obtain a new real estate license or to renew in 2012, you will not be able to get a new license or get your current license renewed without it. This requirement is no different than having to meet the other requirements for obtaining or renewing a real estate license.

10. Do I still have to get this done if I’ve been fingerprinted for another agency or when I was in the military?

Yes. Fingerprint results can not be shared between agencies and results can change over time. Therefore, even if you had your prints taken before, you must have them taken again and you must specify that the results are to be provided to the Missouri Real Estate Commission.

11. Can I have my fingerprints taken at the local sheriff’s office or at the Highway Patrol instead of through the approved vendor? No, regulations require the use of the approved vendor. This is to reduce administrative and tracking problems.

12. What happens if the Missouri Real Estate Commission is notified of a conviction or guilty plea that I did not previously disclose? All convictions or guilty pleas will be checked against our current files. Should it be found that a licensee has failed to disclose convictions or guilty pleas, the Commission will review the matter and determine if seeking disciplinary action is appropriate based on both the substance of the conviction and the failure to disclose the conviction.

13. What is the worst that can happen to me if the Commission finds that I have a criminal history that I did not previously disclose?

Worst case scenarios – Depending on the date and type of conviction, it could be automatically revoked under 339.100.5 RSMo. For other undisclosed convictions or guilty pleas, the Missouri Real Estate Commission could file a complaint with the Administrative Hearing Commission and your license could be suspended, revoked or placed on probation, or a civil penalty could be imposed.

14. What if I live out of state?

If you reside out of state, you will be required to go to your local law enforcement agency to have your fingerprints taken. You will then submit the completed fingerprint card to Cogent for digital transfer and submission to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Be sure to include the MREC’s registration number, 0004, on the fingerprint card. In addition to any fees charged by the local law enforcement agency, you will be required to pay the fees outlined in question 6. Mail the fee and fingerprint card to 3M Cogent, Attention: Fingerprint Card Scan MSHP, 5025 Bradenton Ave. Ste. A, Dublin OH 43017.

Retain a copy of your 3M/Cogent payment and envelope to be used in lieu of a receipt.

Cost & Procedures for Obtaining Kansas Broker License

The cost of the Kansas Real Estate Broker Fundamentals course is $195.00  This course is the equivalent of 30 hours of classroom study.  When you complete the study material you will take our final test.  The test, consisting 100 questions, is on the state relevant and general materials.  You may take the test open book with a 90% pass rate or you can take a closed book test with a required 70% pass rate.  Once you have successfully passed the online test, you will receive a certificate enabling you to take the state test.  The state test consists of 80 general questions and 40 state relevant questions.  Pass rate is 70% and is not open book.  The cost for the state test is $82.  You may take the test as many times as needed, but each retake will cost an additional $75.  Both sections must be passed within the same 6-month period.  The certificate you receive from us is valid for 12 months.  Once you have passed the state exam, you will be required to provide information to demonstrate that you have been active in real estate for a period of not less than 2 of the preceding 3 years. See the KREC website for experience points information.  If you are not a Kansas resident, you will also be required to show that you hold a brokers license in your state of residence or have the necessary experience and also complete a 4 hour law course.

Kansas also requires that ALL licensees have a KBI/FBI background check done at a cost of $60. 

Once enrolled, you have one year to complete our online course.

Cost & Procedures for Obtaining Kansas Real Estate License

We offer the Principles of Real Estate study course for $195.00.  This course is the equivalent of 30 hours of classroom study.  After you complete the study material, you will take our test.  The test includes 100 questions with a mix of general and state relevant questions.  You must make 90% open book and 70% on a closed book test.  When you have passed the test, you will receive a certificate of completion.  You must have this certificate to take the state test.

The state test is given in Overland Park, Wichita, Topeka, Hays and Greenwood Village, CO.  A candidate handbook with more information is available on our website.  You should read all of it as it gives you information on the test center and procedures.  The state test consists of 80 questions on the general and 30 questions on the Kansas Real Estate Law plus 10 pretest questions that don't count on your score.  Pass rate is 70%.  It is not open book!  The cost for the state test is $82.  You may take the test as many times as needed.  It will cost $75 for each retake and you must pass both parts within a 6-month period.  You must have 2 forms of identification from the list in the candidate handbook.  If you pass one part of the test, you don't have to take it again as long as you pass the other part within the 6-month period and make application for your license.  The certificate you get from us is good for 1 year.

Once you complete the State license test you will be required to take the 30-hour Practice course.  This has to be completed and certificate received before you can apply for your license.  The cost of the 30 hour practice course is $155 on line.  You don't have to take a state test after the Practice course.  You'll just take our quiz. If you order both the pre-license course and the practice course at the same time the combined cost is only $340.




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In the event that we cannot be reached, please call Nancy Direct at:



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If you are not happy with an outcome of communication with us, you may file a complaint with either or both the:

Kansas Real Estate Commission:

Jayhawk Tower

700 SW Jackson St Ste 404

Topeka, KS 66603


Kansas Board of Regents, Private Postsecondary Education

1000 SW Jackson Ste 520

Topeka, KS 66612

Phone: 785-430-4240

Lowry School of Real Estate

3636 Alpaca Rd.

Joplin, MO 64804


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